Richmond Primary Care Specialists

Physical Exams

Physical Exams

Physical Exams services offered in Staten Island, NY

Physical exams are an important tool health care providers use to assess your health and wellness. At Richmond Primary Care Specialists, in the Prince’s Bay neighborhood of Staten Island, New York City, their skilled specialists take a holistic approach to medicine focused on your long-term health needs and conduct comprehensive physical exams to assess your overall health and wellness. Call the office to schedule an appointment or request one online today. 

Physical Exams Q&A

What are physical exams?

Physical exams evaluate your overall health and wellness and assess how well your body is working. The providers at Richmond Primary Care Specialists take a holistic approach to care and offer comprehensive physical exams focused on your whole health, including your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health. The team uses the information gathered during your physical exam to develop wellness plans focused on your long-term health needs.

What happens during an annual physical exam?

The team at Richmond Primary Care Specialists performs individualized physical exams based on your age, sex, medical history, and current health needs. 

During your exam, your provider reviews your health concerns, medical and family history, the types of medications and supplements you take, your job and daily stresses, and general lifestyle habits. To assess health and wellness, your provider also:

  • Measures body composition
  • Checks blood pressure and heart rate
  • Listens to breath sounds
  • Evaluates hearing and vision
  • Palpates internal organs
  • Assesses overall appearance
  • Performs laboratory testing

The team at Richmond Primary Care Specialists also specializes in women’s health and men’s health and tailors physical exams specific to each sex. For women, your annual exam may include a breast exam, gynecological exam, Pap smear, mammogram, and/or bone density test. For men, your exam may include a prostate exam or prostate cancer screening test. 

Depending on your age and medical history, your provider may also recommend a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. Immunizations are also reviewed and provided if needed. 

Do children need annual physical exams?

Yes, children and teens need annual physical exams to monitor their growth and development. The team at Richmond Primary Care Specialists also offers physical exams for children and teens specific to age and developmental needs. 

Richmond Primary Care Specialists also provides immunizations and addresses any other health needs or concerns you may have. 

What can I expect during a sports physical?

Like the annual exam, the sports physical at Richmond Primary Care Specialists is a comprehensive exam that evaluates your or your child's overall health and wellness. However, the sports physical may include additional tests to assess your fitness and physical abilities to make sure it’s safe for you or your child to participate in sports.

To schedule your physical exam, call Richmond Primary Care Specialists or request an appointment online today.